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ME3D Easy as 1...2...3

For over 50 years, Superfeet has been the leader for insoles for your shoes. Started by podiatrists on the west coast, they saw the value in having something in your shoe to protect you and your feet. They also knew most people couldn't afford the cost of the custom orthodics. So Superfeet trim to fit insoles were born.

When Fleet Feet started using the fit id® technology, Superfeet wanted to create an ever better experience through a pressure plate mapping device. So now when you come in to be fit at Fleet, not only do you get a static image of your feet but you get to see how much pressure is being placed on each foot while in motion. And ME3D personalized insole was created.

Here is how it works:

Step 1) Stand on the fit id® machine.

Step 2) Walk back and forth on the pressure plate mapping device.

Step 3) Review the information with your outfitter.

ME3D insoles are designed using 3D technology to create an insole specific for your feet. If you put more pressure on one foot than the other. If you have different shape arches. Your current insoles are relieving your discomfort. Stop in today to see your feet the way we see them.

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